Omega 3 fish oils

Danfisk itself produces several types of omega 3 fish oils, including salmon oil and salmon fish oil. Salmon oil as well as other fish oils are used as a supplement to pet food. We are currently developing new varieties, including sandeel and herring oil. Applying the oils to your pet's feed gives the coat more shine and maintains the animal's skin and joints. In addition, it increases the animal's appetite.

Do you want a larger batch or quantity?

If you are interested in buying salmon oil in larger quantities, this is also an option. Danfisk offers to sell whole pallets with bottled products in our bottles with our label. Otherwise, a private label is also an option if you want your own brand on the packaging.

Furthermore, you have the opportunity to buy salmon oil in large IBC containers of 1000 L. Just contact us and get a price.

We sell to retail, wholesalers, and industry.

For contact, click here.